The Kolb Reflective Cycle And Why You Should Use It
What is the Kolb Reflective Cycle and How Can You Use It?
The Kolb Reflective Cycle (1) is a flexible tool that can be used to improve your performance and well-being. This model provides people with a method of maximising learning from experiences. The cycle is based on adult learning theory and places the reflection process in a learning cycle of four states.
The beauty of the Kolb model is that it can be applied to any experience where you want to maximise learning. Example activities range from improving your mood to implementing a new work delegation method.
Kolb’s Reflective Cycle
The cycle consists of four stages. These are called:
Concrete Experience
Reflective Observation
Abstract Conceptualization
Active Experimentation
Concrete Experience
This stage involves undertaking an action or activity. This experience generates information to reflect upon later in the process. For example, you may attend a training course or read a book. During this stage, it is important to pay attention to what is happening around you and to your own reactions.
Reflective Observation
This is the stage where you reflect on your concrete experience. Here you note information from within and outside your body. For example, you should note the thoughts and emotions you experienced during the activity. Alternatively, you may note any ways in which you were surprised by the activity (e.g., an unexpected reaction from another person).
Abstract Conceptualisation
After gathering information, you turn observations into concepts, explanations and theories. Specifically, it is important to try and explain why the concrete experience led to what you observed. For example, you may speculate that taking more breaks improved productivity because energy levels were sustained for a longer portion of the day.
Active Experimentation
Finally, you put your concepts into action. Taking the learning from Abstract Conceptualisation, you plan your next logical action or activity. This stage will return you back to a new Concrete Experience stage. The subsequent action must be clearly defined.
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The Kolb Reflective Cycle is a tool that can be used to improve your performance and well-being. Using this model will allow you to continuously learn from your experiences and improve your life. This model provides a structure to go back over key events methodically. Taking the time to identify and explain learning points is a great way to continue developing.
Further reading
Here’s a useful book on reflective practice by Barbara Bassot
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(1) Kolb, D., A. (1984). Experiential learning : experience as the source of learning and development. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. :Prentice-Hall.