Dr Jason Spendelow

CEO & Director of Strategy

PhD, DClinPsych

Jason brings his background in clinical psychology and academia to lead TPP strategy.

I am CEO of TPP, but also continue in applied practice.

My extensive training and experience in applying psychological strategies for performance and well-being set me apart from other practitioners. I worked as a Clinical Psychologist for 20 years and remain an active researcher.

I draw practical skills from several models of psychological intervention utilising the latest findings from psychology and neuroscience.

The sessions and work we did together was way more helpful than I ever could have imagined. I really appreciated Jason’s pragmatic approach.
— One-to-one executive committee client

The issues I address with clients range from tackling the imposter syndrome and addressing public speaking anxiety, to resolving cognitive difficulties (e.g., mind-blanking) and unhelpful managerial/leadership behaviours (e.g., a reluctance to delegate).

I hold a PhD and have been published in several international peer-review academic journals. I am a Professor of Clinical Psychology and Professional Practice at Keele and Harper Adams Universities in the UK.

I am affiliated with the following professional bodies:

  • The UK Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)

  • The Association of Clinical Psychologists (ACP)

  • The International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP)

  • The UK Higher Education Academy (HEA)