Tame The Indecision Monster
Indecisive Meaning And Tips To Improve Decision-Making
Indecisiveness is an ongoing and general difficulty in making decisions. This is not to be confused with 'indecision'', a momentary state of being undecided about a specific decision (1).
Along with other cognitive phenomena (e.g., mind blanking), being indecisive is common. Around 20% of the population struggle with decision-making.
Except in cases of an underlying medical issue, indecision is not usually detrimental to one's health. However, well-being can be compromised when people excessively worry about their cognitive abilities.
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Causes Of Excessive Indecisiveness
We do not yet fully understand the underlying causes of this problem. But, there are several possibilities. For example:
Indecisiveness could be part of another psychological problem, such as procrastination (1)
It could result from mental health issues like depression (2)
There is a specific disorder called aboulomania. This condition involves extreme indecisiveness or 'paralysis of will'.
Various neurological conditions (e.g., dementia) can impair an individual's cognitive abilities and function.
Conditions typically developing in childhood have also been linked to indecisiveness (e.g., ADHD).
It is essential to see an appropriate medical professional if you experience ongoing medical or neurological symptoms.
Psychological Factors Of Indecisiveness
If no medical causes exist, psychological factors can underpin indecisiveness. The following problems may be relevant:
Fear of failure
Low self-confidence
Fearing the worst possible outcome or catastrophising
Paralysing perfectionism that leads to procrastination and anxiety
Viewing decisions as life-altering and needing to prepare too much
Unless individuals address these psychological issues, they may find it extremely difficult to make decisions.
Mental Health Issues That Cause Indecisiveness
As mentioned above, diagnosable mental disorders (e.g., anxiety, PTSD, depression) can also cause indecisiveness. For example:
Anxiety is often both a cause and result of indecisiveness. Decision-making is often tricky due to mind-blanking and/or fear of negative repercussions.
Depression can occur with indecisiveness. This may be due to impaired cognitive functions (e.g., concentration) and/or a negative mood state.
Situational Factors
Indecisiveness can be driven through situation factors. Examples include:
Lack of adequate information
Too many choices
Ambiguity or lack of clarity regarding options and consequences
Strategies To Cope Or Deal With Indecisiveness
Ruling out underlying medical issues, it is possible to mitigate everyday indecisiveness. Here are some coping strategies to try.
Acknowledge The Uncertainty Of Life
Acknowledge that life is full of risks, and you can never predict whether a decision is right or wrong. There may be no right or wrong decision. Instead, you may face a series of options, each with pros and cons.
Accepting that there is no right or wrong choice may help reduce the fear of making decisions.
Evaluate And Reflect On Your Course Of Action
Evaluate your options rationally and logically before making a decision. Remember that unwanted outcomes can provide excellent reflection and learning opportunities.
Consider Worst-Case Scenarios And Have A Problem-Solving Approach
"Hope for the best but prepare for the worst" is an excellent strategy for coping with indecisiveness. It will encourage you to be optimistic while helping you manage the fear of unfavourable outcomes. Then, whatever eventuates, you can be confident that you have prepared well.
Consider what could go wrong and develop your coping strategy. This way, you have a plan of action ready to go.
Besides, worst-case scenarios rarely become a reality, but preparing to face them can help you feel less anxious.
Seek Advice From (A Couple Of) People
Pick two people you trust to offer input. Speaking to too many people with conflicting advice or differing opinions can increase indecisiveness.
Indecisiveness can be a hassle. You get the actual hindrance of decisions unmade. But you can also experience frustration and anxiety. Try the strategies above and consider seeking professional help for ongoing issues.
Further reading:
Here is an interesting take on decision-making by Annie Duke.
Trey Gowdy also provides some useful ideas on decision-making.
We have extensive experience helping people conquer a range of wellbeing and performance issues at home and in the workplace. We can also help with indecision. Read more about our work or browse other articles. Get in touch anytime.
(1) https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.710880/full#:~:text=Definition%20of%20Indecisiveness,to%20be%20confused%20with%20indecision.
(2) https://psychcentral.com/health/coping-with-indecision