About Psychology and Online Resources

Simply Psychology: The importance of psychological knowledge and skills

Psychology is the branch of science involving the study of human behaviour and the mind. It helps us understand why people think, feel, and behave the way they do. It also provides ways to treat mental health problems.

Many think psychology is only important for people going through tough times or mental health issues. However, psychological thinking and skills can be helpful for people in almost any situation. It helps us to understand our thoughts and emotions and how they affect our behaviour. It also helps us to understand other people and why they behave the way they do. 

Psychology can help you better understand yourself. 

Identifying and understanding key psychological theories behind your thinking and behaviour patterns can demystify your inner states. This can reduce anxiety, confusion, and perceived inability to make positive changes.

Psychology can help you to relate better to other people.

Psychology can also help you to understand other people better. For example, if you know why someone behaves a certain way, it can be easier to respond helpfully.

Psychology can help you to make positive changes in your life.

Once you understand how your thoughts and emotions affect your behaviour, you can use this knowledge to make positive changes in your life. For example, psychological theories can give you insight into the factors contributing to smoking. This information can be used to develop an effective quitting strategy.


The history of psychology dates back to the time of Aristotle, who studied human behaviour and mental processes. However, it was not until the late 19th century that psychology was established as a separate discipline.

Different schools of thought emerged during this time, each with its unique approach to understanding human behaviour. These included structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, and behaviourism.

Today, psychology is a vast field that includes many different branches and approaches. Some of the most popular branches include cognitive psychology, developmental psychology (covering moral development to cognitive maturation), social psychology, and clinical psychology.


Psychology is a complex and fascinating field that has helped us to understand human behaviour better. Many resources are available if you're interested in learning more about psychology. You can also consult many different types of psychologists for help if you're experiencing mental health problems. 

Here are some useful online resources:

  • AQA resource list of teaching and learning materials in psychology (e.g., introduction to the subject, class materials)

  • Psychology tools has a great self-help section covering the key psychological issues

  • Very well mind resource section on various topics

There is information and tips on various psychological topics on our articles page. You can also access skills videos here.

We are Coaching & Clinical Psychologists with extensive experience helping people conquer a range of wellbeing and performance issues at home and in the workplace. Read more about our work, watch practical skills videos or browse other articles. Get in touch anytime.


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